Welcome to SPORTY GIRL BOOKS. At SPORTY GIRL, we want to give all girls the chance to love, watch, play, read, and write about any sport that interests them. We look forward to the day when the words, "You play like a girl," is the biggest compliment anyone can receive.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sporty Girl Books Needs Your Coaching!

Spring has sprung in most of the country (even though it feels like 18ยบ here in Maine) and teams are practicing outdoors and in gyms for a season of new competition. Here at Sporty Girl Books we are in training too: reading great books to review, interviewing authors and industry professionals, and keeping up with issues in the union between women and sports*.

Good training often requires coaching and we'd love your coaching now.

  • What books would you like us to review?
  • What authors or athletes would you like to know more about?
  • What questions about publishing we could answer? 
  • If you are an author, let us know. Take a look at our review policy. We'd love to be a part of your blog tour. 
  • We also love guest bloggers and would love your sporty girl book pitch for a relevant article. 

If you read Sporty Girl Books, please follow us to get our posts delivered to your email, friend us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. We always appreciate your comments and hope that you'll comment as our coaches today and everyday.

*In fact, right now the US Women's National Soccer Team have filed a wage-discrimination action against the U.S. Soccer Federation with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. More as it becomes available.


  1. This blog is amazing! Just discovered you through Commenting 365 and I'm looking forward to checking out some of the soccer books. I don't think I've ever read one and since its my greatest passion beside reading I need to merge them together. Any great recommendations? I'd love to see a post with your thoughts on the wage discrimination action from the U.S Women's National Team.

    1. This is an important topic that needs more attention but here is a start: http://sportygirlbooks.blogspot.com/2016/04/equal-play-equal-pay.html Thanks for your suggestion.
