David A. Kelly's new series, Most Valuable Players or MVPs, is just as entertaining except instead of exploring ballparks, this time a group of kids solve mysteries the revolve around different sports.
In the first book, The Gold Medal Mess, Alice, Kat, Max, Nico, and Luke are getting ready for the school Olympics when they find a note for someone threatening to cancel the games. After showing the note to adults, the kids decide to investigate themselves, piecing together clues along the way. I won't tell you want happens, but by the end the kids have a chance to participate in sports and solve a mystery and the reader can follow them along for the ride.
While these series may not be specifically sporty GIRL books, the diverse cast of characters in both series includes sporty girls, sporty boys, and girls and boys who do not play sports. In other words, a group of kids that look just like any group of elementary kids. Which is awesome. I highly recommend both series for any young reader.
It's great that David has been able to only grow but create an off-shoot series about kids and sports. Jen Malone wrote a nice piece over at the Nerdy Book Club about "girl books" and how important they are for everyone. I've put the link at the bottom here. I think it's important for girls to take center stage in sporty books but it's just as important for sporty books to show girls and boys as equals in leadership and respect working together on a team for a shared purpose whether that's winning the gold or figuring out the mystery.